Sunday 2 February 2014

Sam Sunday #43: So Long, January!

So the first month of 2014 is over, and I'm pleased to report that I managed to stick to most of my bookish goals.  My main goal was to read only books from my shelves, as opposed to accumulating library books, buying new books or using my kindle, which I managed to do.  I finished six books:



It was actually very nice to just read exclusively from my shelves, it felt more like how I used to read before starting this blog, before all of the review copies and masses of recommendations that had me heading to the library at least once a week!  It's not something I'm going to keep doing, as I'm already missing my kindle, but I can see myself having another month like this at some point later in the year.

I also managed to stick to my goals of reading at least one book for Jazz Age January (The Paris Wife) and one book from my TBR 2014 pile, The Glass Palace. As well as this, I was pleased to read one book for the Classics Club, Brave New World, and one non-fiction title, as my non-fiction reading really suffered last year.

Looking ahead to February, I'm going to be relaxing my reading rules a bit, but I'm still going to remain focused on reading books that I already own, rather than acquiring more.  I think I'm going to give the library a pass for another month but add my kindle into the mix, so I have kindle books and physical books to choose from.  As always, I'm hoping to read one Classics Club book and one TBR 2014 book.

How was your reading month in January?  Any goals for February?


  1. Well done you, reading from your own shelves! I will have a month like that soon, I hope, but for now I'm too excited about all my library books. I love my lovely library so much.

    1. I love my library too, I'm having withdrawal symptoms!

  2. January was a very good reading month, but I only manage a single selection from my shelves (the others were on kindle, plus one audio). I hope to read more from my physical shelves this month, but also love your idea of devoting an entire month to the task.

    1. Good luck reading more from your physical shelves this month, I actually really enjoyed it.

  3. I read 17 books in January, 7 were from the Tournament of Books list. The most challenging was The Pale King by David Foster Wallace.

    1. 17 books? I bow before your reading awesomeness!
      And I can't say I've ever felt the urge to read any David Foster Wallace...

  4. I can imagine it was very satisfying reading only from your shelves. I almost did it this month but I may make more of an effort for February. It seems that January was a good reading month all round!

    1. It was a good reading month, hope Feb is more of the same!

  5. You're so good! Whenever I set myself such a goal I end up ignoring it after a week at most! BUT I'm trying to read Bleak House in February so I will bitterly need all dedication I can summon :)

    1. This is one of the few times I've managed to meet a goal like this, so I'm feeling proud! Good luck with Bleak House, I have several more Dickens books on my classics club list, but I'm not feeling up to them at the moment...

  6. I totally applaud your successful efforts to read from your own shelves!

    You and I read a similar number of books last month. Onward to February!

  7. It looks like a great January! I find myself reading largely from my shelves with a mixture of new stuff on my Nook. It's a nice balance, and I still feel accomplished...making TBR headway. :)

  8. congratulations for sticking to your goals, great feeling for the 1st month of the year, isn't it?
    I have read your #5 [loved it], #6 [hated it, audio], and plan to read your #3
    my month was great too, see here:

    1. I've not reviewed Night Circus yet, but I did like it. I liked Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell more, though!

  9. What was Paris Wife like, Sam? I keep seeing it in the bookshops, but so far I've resisted temptation!

    1. It was good, but not amazing. Hadley herself was a little annoying, and it stopped me enjoying the book completely. Z by Therese Anne Fowler was much better!

  10. I didn't read from my own shelves (working in a library is too much of a temptation), but I did meet my goal of not buying any books in January. I was very pleased with myself for that as I am trying to save a bit of money.

    1. I can't imagine the temptation that would come from working in a library, but at least a library habit is free...

  11. Congratulations on a month of only your own books! My January was a mixed bag, but if I am able to continue as I did this month with books from the shelves and books not, then I'll really be quite happy. But I know what you mean - it's nice to have something new and different to look forward to (even if it's a backlist title from the library).

    I have never read Ghosh but I do want to read his trilogy about the ship.

    1. Oh yes, library books can definitely be as exciting as new books.
      I liked Glass Palace enough to read more by Ghosh, and I think I would move on to his trilogy about the ship next.

  12. That is a super impressive thing to do! Actually might have to try that myself for a (many) month because OMG so many books. Damn libraries and kindles and new books *mutters malevolently*

    Also, did you like The Night Circussss? (Am I asking this really annoyingly instead of reading your review? Or... waiting for your review?) But I really like it. Also I want to go to that damn circus.

    1. I still have OMG too many books, but at least that number has been reduced by a few!

      I did like Night Circus, but not as much as all the hype would suggest. I preferred Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell on magic.

  13. Blogging has changed my reading patterns as well. So like you, I'm trying to go back to the way i used to read - not so many ARCs, not such a frantic pace. So far for January it has work and I think I'm happier in my reading life.

    1. I'm glad it's working out for you as well. I'm trying to be less driven by numbers and just enjoy the experience of reading.

  14. Well done you for sticking to your goal of reading solely from your shelves - I know that can be tough.
    I've stuck to two of my reading goals for the month - reading new to me authors, as well as curbing my book buying (I haven't bought a single book in the new year so far).
    Will you be doing a review on The Night Circus? I recently featured The Night Circus in a discussion post of mine - I love that book!!
    Bits & Bobs

    1. Reading new to you authors is a great reading goal, I might do a month of that later in the year. And congrats on succeeding in curbing the book buying, that is a very tricky thing to achieve!
      I liked Night Circus and it's on my review queue. I think I enjoyed Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell more when it comes to magic though.

  15. Some days I really do miss how I used to read pre-blogging, too. I try not to let it change my habits, but it's very hard. Seems like you were able to mix things up and make progress on various goals which is awesome :)

    1. I don't think you can help blogging changing your reading habits to a certain extent, but it's not always in a bad way.

  16. Congrats on reading 6 books off your shelf! Excellent progress made in the month of January. I read one chunkster for my Chunkster Challenge, plus a nonfiction book (I too suffered a lack of nonfiction last year.)

    1. Sounds like you made great progress this month, too :)

  17. You've read a great mixture of books and pleased to hear you were able to stick to just reading books off your shelf. This is something I should really try!

  18. It's so great that you're reading from your shelves! Isn't it crazy how much our reading changes just from starting a blog? I'm slowly, but surely, trying to get back to that as well. Looks like you had a great month, congrats!
