Monday 18 November 2013

Classics Club Spin Number Revealed

Last week, I posted my selection of books for the 4th classics club spin.  Today the lucky number was announced to be number 10, which means I will be reading.....

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.

I have mixed feelings about this!  On the one hand it's a book I'm genuinely excited to read but on the other hand, it's just so long!  At least it will give me a push to pick up one of the longest books on my list. I have a feeling I will be reading it alongside other titles and hoping to get through this mammoth book by Jan 1st.

If you're taking part, which book did you spin?  Are you happy with your pick?


  1. Oh wow. What a result. I would probably have pretty similar feelings - intimidation mixed with excitement. I'll be curiously observing your Les Mis journey. :)

    I got Cranford, can't complain.

    1. I started it last night, 38 pages down only 1100+ to go....

  2. Ooh - I'll be interested to see what you think. I've never seen the musical but I saw the film recently and loved it so I've been thinking about getting myself a copy. If it helps, Hanna and me were talking about it the other day and she said that it was actually pretty accessible so I'm sure you'll love it :)

    1. Hopefully I will also find it accessible. And I agree, the film is awesome, although I'm sure the book is a bit more panoramic than the film.

  3. You're going to read Les Mis in a month and a bit?! You are a braver woman than me, is all I can say! Also, if there are bits that you think you can probably skip, you can definitely skip them. Just sayin ;)

    1. Yes I am, and I'm going to read it in the month and a bit that includes Christmas, I'm practically insane! But I will do it :)

  4. That's pretty much how I feel about this one, I definitely want to read it, but it's such a long one. This is a perfect motivation, though!

    1. You should join me, I'm only 38 pages in so far....

  5. Woowwww have fun with that one ;) I'm routing for you! I've been slowly reading Les Mis for probably a year now, picking it up for a chapter here or there. I'm sure it can be done by January 1st if you really put your mind to it! Good luck!

    1. Are you enjoying it? I'm pretty sure I will be able to finish it, I just hope I enjoy the journey!

  6. oh yes, this one is a behemoth of a book! Good luck. I'm sure you'll get through it just fine. This is a good challenge. Where do I sign up?

    1. Behemoth is the right word. You can join the classics club here, it's a lot of fun.

  7. Talk about a worthy bookish goal. Les Miserables in a Try and get a running start...the faster you get into it the better. And good luck! :)

    1. I started it last night, I didn't get much time with it but was happy to have started!

  8. Oh dear, good luck. I got one from my "quickie" category - Cheerful Weather for the Wedding by Julia Strachey… don't hate me ;-)

  9. You can do it! I got Aesop's fables, which I'm really happy about.

  10. I'll cheer you on! And be impressed by your willingness to read it :) I got Catch-22 which I am pretty intimidated by but we will see how it goes.

  11. Yes, you can do it!

  12. Good Luck! I had that one on my list but got a 350 page book instead. :) Love the cover of that edition by the way - that is gorgeous!

  13. Good luck! My spin result was The Pickwick Papers which I'm pleased with as Dickens always makes a good winter read.
