Friday 17 May 2013

Bout of Books: Thursday - Sunday Updates

Thursday was another successful reading day; I managed to finish The Innocents by Francesca Segal, my third completed book since Monday.  After having a reading slump for most of the month before the read-a-thon, it's lovely to be in the situation of having to catch up with review writing for a change!

Day: Thursday 16th May 2013
Time Spent Reading: 2 hours.

Friday 17th May 2013

9pm - I've not done any reading at all yet today!  My husband had two extremely intense days at work, so we celebrated by going out to dinner and then listening to cheesy 90s rock/grunge music on spotify.  I'm planning to blog for a bit, then start The Perfume Garden for a blog tour I have coming up on the 23rd.


  1. I'm with you on the review writing thing! I think I'm going to ban myself from starting another book until I get caught up.
    Congrats on all your reading progress!

  2. To be honest, I'm looking forward to next week, when I know I don't HAVE to read anything if I don't want (not that I have to now, but you know... how it is). Three books is good! (esp. after a slump). I finished 2nd today and now placing bets whether I can get into the Eyre Affair enough to finish it during the readathon.

  3. Looking forward to your thoughts on The Innocents!

  4. Ooh those books look great! I can't wait to see reviews x

