Sunday 14 April 2013

Sam Sunday #11: Farewell, Easter Holidays!

Joseph making himself at home in our new house.

My Easter break has been lovely this year, but it's over now as tomorrow is back to work and the run up to exam season (eek!).  As with all last days of the holidays, today has completely run away with me and already it's 7.30pm and I'm wondering where the day has gone.  I don't really mind going back to work, I would just love another couple of days to carry on settling into the house.  And I have that teenager last night before school feeling, I don't think it ever goes away for teachers!

This last week has been quite chilled compared to the busy first week.  We've mainly been painting, sourcing furniture and I've had a few long lie-ins with a good book or two.  I have steadfastly been ignoring household chores and trying to make the most of not having any pressure.  I like the summer term back at school as it means the summer hols are not too far away!

I'm pleased that I finally managed to finish unpacking all of my books during the week.  I've culled my collection a bit, donating some books that I didn't love to charity shops, so I actually have that unheard-of thing, space on my bookshelves.  I'm not going to rush to fill it, but it's nice to know the option is there.


  1. I'm glad you had a nice break - I know that going back to work always provokes mixed feelings in me, too! How long is the summer term and how long of a break do you get in the summer?

  2. Glad you had a good break... hope the return to work isn't too stressful.

  3. Space on bookshelves is a lovely thing indeed! I have an award for you, Sam. If you have time and would like to participate :)

  4. Have a great day back at work tomorrow :)

    I've been culling my shelves as well and it feels GOOD!

  5. Happy back to school day, Sam! I hope you have a great day. And look how comfortable Joseph looks!

  6. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday. The schools here went back last week. Hope the new term goes well for you.
