Sunday 7 April 2013

Sam Sunday #10: Easter Holidays Edition

Last week was the first week of my two week Easter holiday and so far, it's been great.  On Tuesday, one of my best friends from school got married, so we spent all day and evening at the wedding.  It was a small and relaxed wedding, which are my favourite kinds.  It was a good opportunity to catch up with all my friends from school/sixth form and swap news.

In the week, it was also my sister-in-laws 18th birthday and Tom's Nan's birthday, so we've had a good mix of time in the new house and time out with friends and family.  We went for a delicious curry for my sister-in-law's birthday, and then we took Tom's Nan out for the day for her birthday.  I've also managed to fit in a bit of shopping with my Mum and sister.

When we've not been out, we've been working on the new house and just getting used to the fact that we actually own a house now.  Priority number one has been eliminating the mahogany woodwork (which is everywhere) as it makes the whole house look much darker than it should do.  Painting the bannisters was extremely fiddly and time consuming (you can just see my book room at the back of the picture too).

Today, I've been doing some gardening.  I've planted carrots, onions, chillies and cherry tomatoes and am hoping to plant some more fruit and veg in the week.  We had a great vegetable harvest a few years ago, but last summer the sheer amount of rain killed most of our plants - here's hoping for better conditions this year!  And then this evening, I'm babysitting my nephew as my sister and her husband have to attend a rehearsal dinner for a wedding they are going to tomorrow.

Next week is another week of holiday, so I'm hoping for another week like the last.  Tomorrow we're furniture shopping (browsing at least), as this house is a lot bigger than our last, and we need to fill some spaces!  

As far as reading goes, I've been doing a fair amount but I've been in a picky mood.  I've picked up lots of titles and then put them down again, deciding that I'm not in the right frame of mind for them.  I'm steadily working through A Dance with Dragons, which is a massive book but excellent.  This week, I've been reading:


Reviews posted:


  1. There is something surreal about owning your own place (barring mortgage payments!). I remember walking round just touching the walls of my flat when I first moved it, going mine...I guess that can seem very 'Gollum' like now! :-)

    1. Nothing wrong with being like Gollum in this case! :)

  2. Awww, your week sounds so lovely! And OH MY GOSH, you have a book room? That is AMAZING. :)

    1. Well I call it my library, but I didn't want to sound too pretentious on the internet....! My cat does try to steal my comfy chair from me, though.

  3. It sounds like you've been a having a fun and productive holiday - the perfect mix! I hope your garden goes well this year - my own humble flower crop is still growing and thriving.

    1. Glad your flowers are still growing! I'm planting some wildflower seeds around the base of the trees in my garden, fingers crossed they work out as well as yours.

  4. Sam you yourself don't look a day older than 18 and neither does your husband. I love to see young, happy, married couples. I think you're an inspiration! I'm also really glad you had a great time, especially with that book room :P

    1. I'm quite a few days older than 18! I turned 27 this year and my husband is six months older than me. My book room isn't quite finished yet, but it's going to be awesome....

  5. So jealous of your long holiday. I'd love a few days off this spring to get the house in better shape, but for now I'll just have to settle for weekends! Congrats on the new house. I know y'all went through a lot to finally own your home and I hope you have a fantastic time making it your own!

    1. The holidays are one of the major benefits of teaching. I am still doing work for school, but in the comfort of my own home :P

  6. Sounds like you having a lovely but also productive holiday. I've just finished reading A Game of Thrones by George R R Martin, A Dance of Dragons seems like a long way off for me :-P

    1. You'll get there sooner than you think, the series takes over your reading life very quickly!

  7. What a lovely week of celebrations :) And you two are ADORABLE! I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads. How to Read Literature sounds interesting!

    1. I'm a bit let down with How to Read Literature, actually. It's a Netgalley book but it is bogged down with excessive examples. I intend to finish it, but I've read better.

  8. I love your dress! It's so pretty and springy.

    I really want to read The People of Forever Are Not Afraid. I look forward to reading your thoughts!

  9. Congratulations on your new home, Sam! Love that you have already planted a garden. I hope the weather is perfect this season!
