Monday 8 August 2011

New Orleans

Reading Interview With the Vampire in New Orleans :)


  1. Ha - how cool is that!

    Great updates :)

  2. Trish - I've wanted to read it for a while and thought that I'll never get another opportunity like this again :P

  3. When I was there last I read A Confederacy of Dunces... There is just nothing better than reading a book set in the place you are!

  4. The last time I was in New Orleans I read Anne Rice's The Witching Hour and walked around the Garden District trying to figure out which house was the MAyfair's.
    I know you are having a blast!!

  5. I've just found out this lovely place. I love it. Maybe it's your glorious smile in the pics which makes it so special. Congratulations on your book blog and, especially, on your marriage!

  6. Jenny - I'm seeing that Confederacy of Dunces book everywhere!

    Beachreader - I am having a blast :) I will be sad to leave New Orleans, it's my favourite place so far.

    Maria - Thanks for visiting and following :)

  7. No better place to read that iconic book! Love the book and would love to visit New Orleans - looks like you're having a great time! :)

  8. Mel, New Orleans is the best place I have visited so far. Would definitely visit again :)
