Sunday 16 November 2014

Sam Sunday #60: Hopefully I'm Back

So this little blog has become rather neglected over the past month or so.  There are quite a few reasons, the main one being that there are things going on in my private life that I'm not comfortable sharing with the internet, and I haven't really felt up to posting much.  Me, Tom and Giles are all well, but it's been a tricky couple of months.  Giles is also what our Health Visitor refers to as a 'velcro baby', in other words he protests loudly at being put down, even if he is asleep.  It's not often that I have two hands free for long enough to put together a post!

Speaking of Giles, he is going to be five months old in just a couple of days and I can't believe it.  He is still a big bundle of energy that doesn't stop going from the moment he wakes up to the moment he falls asleep.  He is so completely determined that he will be mobile as soon as possible; he's already pulling himself up to standing, rolling all over the place and pushing himself along the floor.  I have a feeling I'm going to spend the next ten or so years running around after him, he is going to be a terror when he learns how to crawl!

Now that he is going to sleep at a decent time every evening, I'm getting in much more reading time. I have a post planned in a couple of weeks detailing what I've read whilst I've not been blogging, but basically I've been mood reading and completely enjoying my reading freedom.  In fact, I'm enjoying it so much that I've decided to completely stop receiving or requesting review copies and just focus on what is on my shelves.

As I've been away for so long, I'd love to hear what everyone has been up to.  I've missed all of my blogging buddies!


  1. Hi! Lovely to see you around! Giles is, as ever, just the cutest baby ever. What I've been up to -- being stunned that it's already November! How did that happen so fast? How is it already winter? And I've been shopping for gifts and contemplating the merits of a gift guide post on the blog...

    1. I know, this year is just flying past! I need to get started on my Christmas shopping, so I would most definitely appreciate a gift guide on your blog :)

  2. He's getting so big! And adorable as always :) Sometimes real life happens and a blogging break is a necessity. I have also been on a bit of a break and trying to make my way back -- only one update post so far (kind of a big one though!), but I'm going with the flow and seeing what happens. Enjoy your reading freedom, I'm trying to do that as well!

    1. He's a massive baby, he weighs the same as an average 7 month old already! I'm off to read your update post now :)

  3. Your little guy is such a cutie :-) It is amazing how quickly the time it goes, isn't it?

    I only recently returned from a blogging hiatus, and also decided to stop accepting review copies and focus solely on books I already have sitting on my shelves that I purchased. Blogging had me someone stressed out before my hiatus, and now that I'm blogging in a way I'm more comfortable with I'm much happier :-)

    1. It is amazing how quickly the time goes, especially compared with how slowly it seemed to go when I was pregnant!
      I'm glad you're happier with blogging now - it shouldn't be something that makes you feel stressed or under pressure.

  4. Sorry to hear life has been difficult but good to know you are all well. Little Giles is certainly growing fast - love his smile!

    Best thing I ever did was to stop accepting review books - hope it works out like that for you too.

    1. So far I'm not regretting declining review books, I need reading to be a hobby, something for pleasure, rather than something that feels like work/pressure.

  5. Welcome back! Giles has grown up to be such a charming smiling adorable boy! My BFF's son who is just a couple of months older is in the same phase. His parents are pretty much running around him and not getting much of a breather.

    1. Glad Giles isn't the only little wriggler around! It's a fun phase, but tiring too.

  6. How nice to see the update and the photo of your little one! I got behind on review copies and haven't caught up yet after an unplanned blogging slump. I kept reading, though, and the TBR pile keeps getting higher, but it's better not to feel pressured about reading!

    1. That's one of the reasons I'm giving up review copies - I hate the guilty feeling when I don't get to them in time!

  7. I'm glad you are all well. Giles is getting so big... such a cutie!

    I haven't read much of anything this month. We just got back from a week in Florida and I'm trying to readjust to the snow and cold. Counting the days until I return in January :)

    1. He is a rather large baby, he's always ready for the next size clothes a couple of months before he should be...
      Glad you had fun in Florida :)

  8. Welcome back! Has it been 5 months already?! I've also re-started the blog after a 9 month hiatus. My son is already 20 months and I predict yours will be a bit like David is: if he's awake, he doesn't stop! I sometimes get tired just looking at him...

    1. I can't believe David is 20 months now! And yes, I agree that Giles will probably be exactly like him :)
