Tuesday 6 May 2014

Classics Club Spin #6

It's time for another Classics Club Spin!  I debated whether or not to take part in this one, as I'm having a baby in about five weeks and all, but I love the spin and will aim to read the book chosen when my maternity leave starts in three weeks time (which I can not wait for, by the way!).  As always, I've used a random number generator to select 20 books from my list that I've not ticked off yet.  Some of them are new reads, some of them are rereads that I haven't actually reread yet.

My list:
  1. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  2. Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
  3. O Pioneers by Willa Cather
  4. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (will be a reread)
  5. Cannery Row by John Steinbeck
  6. Moby Dick by Herman Melville
  7. The Good Earth by Pearl Buck
  8. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
  9. A Little Princess by Frances Hogdson Burnett (reread)
  10. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (reread)
  11. Persuasion by Jane Austen
  12. Tess of D'Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy
  13. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
  14. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky (reread)
  15. The Colour Purple by Alice Walker (reread)
  16. Hard Times by Charles Dickens
  17. Dracula by Bram Stoker (reread)
  18. Orlando by Virginia Woolf
  19. Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell
  20. Othello by William Shakespeare
I'm happy with the list - the only one I'm apprehensive about is Moby Dick.  But in a way, it would be a good thing if it is picked, as I may require a push to get to it!

Have you read any of these titles?  Anything I should be hoping for?


  1. Wow. Moby Dick would be a hard one to get, as would Crime and Punishment. Although, Crime is a great book, it is just a difficult read. I'd be rooting for Cranford, Persuasion, or Othello., or maybe The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.

    1. I've read Crime & Punishment before but I think I was too young for it, so I put it on my list to re-evaluate it as an adult. If it does come up, I will just tell myself that I've done it once, so I can definitely do it again!

  2. Good luck on Monday! I think I would be hoping for Persuasion, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall or Tess of the d'Urbervilles as I loved all three of those.

    1. I am hoping for Tenant - I've wanted to read it for the longest time.

  3. Wow -- what a list! Moby Dick is my wife's favorite book, so she's reading it to me -- we're hoping to finish before the baby is born. It will be, I think, the only way I 'read' Moby Dick. I'm crossing my fingers you get Persuasion -- a favorite of mine!

    1. PS: Congrats as well! I just announced my pregnancy last Friday (am 12 weeks 5 days today!) and am trying to squeeze in as much reading as I can before baby comes -- not easy to do when I go to bed at 8pm now! ;)

      PPS: Will be sharing my spin list tomorrow!

    2. Good luck with the reading aloud. We're working on Harry Potter at the moment, not quite as highbrow!

  4. Ooh...I've read a lot of these. What a great list. My two favorites, though, are books you've already read: Dracula and The Little Princess. So, maybe I'll hope you get a new read this time...like Persuasion. I love that book, too.

    1. Dracula was the first classic I can ever remember loving, I've read it lots of times already but there's always time for once more!

  5. That is a wonderful list, I loved Tess, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Cranford, and I hope that the spin gives you a book you will love,

    1. I'm really looking forward to Tenant. I've been trying to save it as I've not got many unread Bronte books left, but I'll be really happy if it comes up.

  6. You've got some real toughies on your list!

    Of those here that I've read, I think I liked Cannery Row best. It's got some really colorful characters.

    Good luck!

    1. My husband loves Cannery Row too, it's his favourite Steinbeck. I think he would be pleased to see me read it :)

  7. I hated Moby Dick because it's like a novel interspersed with everything known about whales. The first info dump!

    However I lovePersuasion, my favorite Austen novel.

    1. Yeah, the info dumps are what are making me apprehensive - I had an issue with them in Les Miserables.

  8. You have a great list here. O Pioneers is really good. Good luck with your spin!

    1. Thanks :)
      I really liked My Antonia, so I imagine I will also enjoy O Pioneers.

  9. You listed a bunch of books I've loved. Orlando is my favourite Woolf!

    Congrats on the baby. I occasionally post baby/child stuff on my blog. I love babies, though I could live without the actual birthing part.

  10. Orlando! Love this one! Hope you get that :)

  11. Great list. The only one I've read off there that will be new for you is Persuasion which I enjoyed but it is different from Austen's other novel. Good luck for Monday!

  12. This is the second post from May 6 that Feedly did not show me - how annoying. Anyway, spin business!

    I've liked The Grapes of Wrath, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Persuasion, and Dracula. I got Cranford during the spin in winter, and it was such a cozy read!

  13. I loved Persuasion when I read it this year. and I love Dorian Gray, Lord of the Flies, and the Bell Jar.

  14. Oo, you should hope for Othello! I love Othello second best of all the Shakespeare tragedies -- the language is so gorgeous. Hope for that! You will love it! (It's not particularly cheerful late-pregnancy reading, but most of those aren't either, so there you go.)

  15. I read Cranford in the summer and thought it was a good match for that season. I see someone up above also enjoyed it in the winter, so basically, it's perfect whenever. :)

  16. Good luck with the spin ...and the baby!!

    Great news - hope it all goes well xo

  17. OH. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I really hope you get that one, it's one of my all-time favorites.

    Best of wishes for your family! My nephew was born four months ago and he's made all of our lives infinitely richer.
