Sunday 13 April 2014

Sam Sunday #49: Easter Holidays Part One

It's been so lovely having time off work this last week for the Easter holidays, and I've managed to find a good balance between staying at home and resting, and going out with friends and family.  We had all of our nursery furniture delivered early on in the week, and I went baby shopping with my Mum and sister on Wednesday, so we're starting to get ourselves organised with the things we will need when the baby comes.  I have enough clothes and all of the big things like a car seat, pram and moses basket sorted out, now it's just for the smaller bits like nappies, wipes etc.  I want to get as much as possible sorted in this break, as I know I'm going to be exhausted when I return to work.  Plus, I'll be 38 weeks pregnant when my maternity leave starts, so there won't be much time/energy to do things then!

I've been cutting back on my book spending lately but I found the bookish bargain of the year this week and just couldn't resist.  Earlier in the week I reviewed W. Somerset Maugham's The Painted Veil, which I loved, and which convinced me that I need to read more Maugham.  And then later in the week, we were browsing some charity shops in the high street when I came across a set of 10 of his novels in the Vintage editions, for £10!  There was so way I could leave them on the shelf for someone else to buy!

I love Vintage classics, and this set includes:
  • The Painted Veil (My spare copy is going to be gifted to my sister, who I think would love it)
  • Liza of Lambeth
  • The Narrow Corner - 'a tense, exotic tale of love, jealousy, murder and suicide'
  • Up at the Villa
  • Cakes and Ale
  • The Magician (this is the one I will probably get to first)
  • Catalina - set in the Spanish Inquisition
  • Christmas Holiday - about the Parisian underworld
  • Ashenden
  • Don Fernando
Unfortunately, it doesn't contain either Of Human Bondage or The Moon and Sixpence, but I'm still absolutely thrilled with it.  I'd love to hear if anyone has read any of these titles before.

As always in the holidays, I've had lots of time to read (between naps), and I've been enjoying every moment of it.  Today, Tom is painting the hallway, so I'm taking the opportunity to have a bit of a mini-readathon.  This week, I've been reading:


Reviews posted:
Burial Rites by Hannah Kent (4 out of 5 stars)


  1. What a bargain! I also love those editions, I have a few but not as much as I'd like.

    I'm glad you've had time to relax and read, and all the baby business must be very exciting as well :)

    1. I could never have as many Vintage editions as I want!
      It's exciting and scary at the same time - I can't believe that in roughly two months time, I will have a baby.

  2. Love the Vintage classics covers. And we need some pics of your baby-everything! I am so happy for you and it makes me even happier to check you are doing great every Sunday.

    1. I'm planning on posting some pictures of the nursery etc, but need to finish the decorating first :P

  3. What a deal! Those vintage editions are so nice, too -- I don't see them as often here in the states, but I do have a D.H. Lawrence one on my shelves. Glad you're enjoying your break & getting some rest :)

    1. I have quite a few of them - I have the complete Dickens set and lots of random other ones, too. They are among the most reasonably priced classics here, along with the Penguin English Library editions.

  4. Seriously!!!!! OMG! I am so excited for you! I didn't even know he wrote all those books. They don't look as daunting as On Human Bondage. This is good news. I need to look for those Vintage Classics.

    1. Neither did I! I'm sure I will eventually buy On Human Bondage and add it to my collection.

  5. What a great find - there was no way you could pass those up! I can recommend Up at the Villa. I read it a few years ago in one swallow as it is immensely compelling.
    How exciting to buy all the little supplies for baby - almost as fun as buying books I would think :-)

    1. Thanks, I'll make sure Up at the Villa is one of the first ones I read.
      Buying baby stuff is exciting, but I had no idea just how much stuff one little baby would need!

  6. What a wonderful find. I haven't read any Maugham and I enjoyed reading your thoughts on The Painted Veil. I look forward to hearing about more from you. I hope the rest of your holiday is relaxing and full of lots more reading!

    1. I was really pleasantly surprised by The Painted Veil, it's one of my favourite reads of the year so far.

  7. That's such a brilliant bargain! And really quite serendipitous considering you've just finished The Painted Veil. I hope you enjoy getting stuck into those alongside your days of rest, relaxation and baby-related excitement.

    1. I love a good bookish bargain!
      I'm really excited about the baby but nervous too - a couple of nights ago I accidentally came across One Born Every Minute :/

  8. I like the UK Vintage covers better than their US counterparts nine times out of ten. Lucky you to snap up that set of Maugham!

    1. I love the Vintage covers too, I used to have a soft spot for Penguin English Library editions, but I think I'm more of a Vintage girl now!

  9. What beautiful books! Get as much rest as you can. xx

    1. Thanks, my husband has been spoiling me in the holidays :)

  10. I don't think I've read any of Maugham's books, so I need to change that first. I do have a few of his books on my wishlist. You did get a great deal!

    1. I only had Painted Veil on my list, but it was so good I can't wait to read more.

  11. That's an amazing deal, and those books are beautiful. I've never read a thing by W. Somerset Maugham, and I'd have snapped that set up too!

    1. Some bargains are just too good to pass up on...
