Sunday 2 March 2014

Sam Sunday #46: Birthday Edition

As you can tell from the title of this post, yesterday was my 28th birthday.  I spent the day with my husband before going out for a meal with both our families in the evening (that's my sister with me in the photo above). It was a really lovely day, completely switched off from the stresses of everyday life.  As my present this year, I've ordered some new glasses, which should be arriving in the next couple of weeks.  I've got a tortoise shell and purple pair coming; I usually wear contacts but have got a weakness for glasses, particularly if they are brightly coloured!

Last week I returned to work after the half term break and I'm starting to find it pretty tiring now, standing up all day.  Aside from the Easter holidays, I have 10 working weeks left until my maternity leave starts at 37 and a bit weeks, and hopefully the time will pass quickly.  I'm trying to sit down as much as possible, but it's difficult when you have thirty eight year olds to contend with all day long!  Thankfully I had my last parents evening before maternity leave on Thursday, so hopefully there will be no more 13 hour days.

Pregnancy wise, everything is going well.  I had my 25 week midwife appointment on Friday and everything was as it should be.  Once again the baby was very active during the appointment, so it's become clear that he's definitely a wriggler!  I'm mainly just feeling hungry all the time and very hormonal.  

In terms of reading, I'm going through a good phase at the moment.  I had a bit of a reading slump at the end of last year, but 2014 so far has been full of good books and I'm loving reading as much as possible.  Last week I finished The Shadow of the Wind, which is another book knocked off my TBR list for the year, and I'm now finally reading The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides.  It's unsurprisingly a very good book, but so far I'm not loving it as much as Virgin Suicides or Middlesex.  

This week, I've been reading:

Review posted:


  1. Wishing you all the best with pregnancy and impending birth. I bet you can't wait to finish. Teaching 8 year olds when tired! I don't envy you. Happy Birthday for yesterday :)

    1. Thanks Jane, the 8 year olds don't mean to be tiring but they are!

  2. Happy birthday! Sounds like it was a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing pics of your new glasses. And I must have been way out in left field for some time, because I either didn't know or I forgot that you are pregnant. Congrats!

    1. Can't wait for my new glasses to turn up! Thanks for the congratulations too :)

  3. Happy Birthday, Sam! Working during pregnancy, especially as you near the end, is so tiring. Hope you can be pampered at home in the evening :)

    1. I have to admit that I do get pampered at home, I think my husband is so relieved that he doesn't have to carry the baby that he's willing to help out in any way possible!

  4. I hope you had a lovely birthday!
    How did you find The Shadow of the Wind? I read The Angel's Game before learning it was a series of sorts so I recently added The Shadow of the Wind to my wishlist. Will you be posting a review?
    Bits & Bobs

    1. I really liked Shadow of the Wind. It had an excellent beginning and end but I found the middle a bit long. There should be a review up later this week :)

  5. Happy birthday! I'm glad you had a lovely day!

    I saw you liked Shadow of the Wind and now I want to read it as well.

    1. It was a good book, especially if you like titles like The Historian or The Book Thief.

  6. Happy Birthday! Looking forward to your thoughs on Shadow of the Wind, as I've had my eye on that series for a while. Glad to hear you & baby are doing well, but hope you're able to get some more rest :)

    1. I enjoyed Shadow of the Wind, although it worked well enough as a stand alone that I'm not going to be rushing to get hold of the rest of the series.

  7. Happy birthday for yesterday, Sam! I'm glad to hear everything's going well with your pregnancy. I hope you enjoyed The Shadow of the Wind. I read it years ago soon after it first came out, but I can't remember much about it now.

    1. Thanks Helen :)
      I enjoyed the atmosphere of Shadow of the Wind, and I did not guess all of the twists and turns!

  8. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely day. I have read Shadow in the Wind twice now and I still don't feel any need to read the rest of the series even though that was such a good read.

  9. Belated happy birthday Sam! Glad things are going well for you. I loved The Shadow of the Wind, but wasn't half as keen on the second book, in fact I forget the name.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic 28th year. I tried reading The Marriage Plot and couldn't get into it. I must try again.

  11. Shadow of the Wind is such a great book; I loved it! Hope you had a very happy 28th birthday. :)

  12. Hope you won't have to stress too much through the rest of your pregnancy. My best friend just delivered today and we have been sort of celebrating all day. Before you know it, the day will be here. :)

  13. Also, belated happy birthday! Can't believe I forgot to wish.

  14. Happy Birthday Sam! I'm glad you took some you time for your big day. For my last birthday, I was about 2 weeks away from having Becca Grace. You can eat as much cake as you want when it's your birthday AND you are pregnant. :)

    I hope we get to see the new glasses when they arrive! I am seriously in need of a new pair...
