Friday 4 January 2013

Upcoming Events

I don't tend to sign up for yearly reading challenges but what I have discovered over the last year or so is that it's much more fun to read cooperatively than alone.  In the spirit of reading togetherness, here are two reading events I'm taking part in soon:

1. Classics Club Readathon - 5th January 2013

Believe it or not, this will be my first ever readathon!  No way will I manage twenty-four hours (I love sleep too much), but my husband is out for most of the morning so I intend to get a good chunk of reading done then.  Unfortunately, I have packed most of my classics away for our upcoming house move, and War and Peace won't have arrived yet (see below), so I think I'm going to start with Bonjour Tristesse, as I have a copy of it to hand and it's nice and short, therefore satisfying for a readathon.  To be honest, I'll be pleased to finish just the one book but I might also root around and start something new.

Information and sign up: here

2. War and Peace Read-along - All Year

War and Peace isn't even on my classics club list, but I loved Anna Karenina so much that I've jumped at the chance to read War and Peace in a group.  Reading solo, it intimidates me but chunky books like this are so much easier when read with friends.  The schedule is quite relaxed and runs all year, so I should still have plenty of time to read other books alongside it. I've ordered the Peaver and Volokhonsky translation as I thoroughly enjoyed their translation of Anna K.  

Information and sign-up: here

I'm excited, lots of classics reading in the upcoming months!  At the moment, all I want to read is classics, fantasy epics and 1000+ page chunksters.


  1. I see lots of people are reading War and Peace this year! I'll be reading Anna Karenina before the film comes out here in March, but right now have no plans to read War & Peace yet.

  2. Good luck with the readathon and the read-along. They sound like fun. I plan to try and read some Dickens this year, and hopefully some Wilkie Collins and George Eliot. I know I don't read enough classics.

  3. Sam,
    I purchased this edition as well and have been meaning to finally do it. I'm really tempted to sign up but feel like a year readalong would just leave me confused and then force a re-read! Aha. I'm looking forward to see what you think though as the months progress. Perhaps I'll jump and finally pick up. Very daunting!

    Have fun during the readathon!

  4. Even as a read along, I think I would find War and Peace quite daunting!! Good luck though.

  5. There is something perfect about cold winter nights and really big books. I totally understand your impulse to really dig into those classics and chunksters right now.
    Hope you have a blast with the readathon tomorrow!

  6. It's the perfect time of year for cuddling up with some big chunky books! Good luck :)

  7. I'm in for War and Peace as well :) I tried it last year and failed miserably...but hopefully that won't be the case this year!

  8. I'm taking part in the War and Peace readalong as well and am also going to try the P&V translation. I've signed up for the readathon too, though I now have a few other things to do tomorrow so won't be able to spend as much time reading as I had expected. I hope you enjoy Bonjour Tristesse!

  9. Good luck with both the readathon and the readalong! I'm so not ready for War and Peace yet, but I look forward to hearing your thoughts about it as you read it through.

  10. Hurrah for you taking part in the readathon and it being your first, I just started mine (and accidentally came online to answer a tweet and fell into blogs, oops, back to the books! :))

  11. Good luck with the readathon. I'd like to read War and Peace. I'll look forward to your review!

  12. Good luck to you.
