Sunday 8 September 2013

Sam Sunday #29

It's been a week of two halves here; the first half was mega relaxing as I was the only one home (my husband had returned to work) and the second was busy-busy when I went back to work myself.  And then I had a relaxing weekend, so it's been up and down!  

Going back to work was fine, I've been back for two days but the children don't actually return until tomorrow.  I'm pretty nervous for this; although I've met my class once, the first day of actually being the teacher of a new class is always scary.  I'm expecting to be pretty busy with work stuff for the next few weeks, but luckily I have lots of reviews already scheduled as I read so much over the holidays, so there should still be new content on my blog.

This weekend, I've mainly been spending time at home with my husband.  We've spent six weeks being together pretty much all day every day, so going back to work and spending time apart actually felt pretty strange!  On Friday we had some friends round for a cocktail night, which was a lot of fun and the perfect way to unwind.  Apart from that, there's been a lot of sleeping in and a lot of episodes of Buffy being watched.  The weather has suddenly got a fair bit colder, so it's been nice to stay in and snuggle up in the warm.

This week, I've been reading:

Warm Bodies was my first read for RIP, and as much as it was great to get started with the challenge, I didn't love the book.  But it wasn't bad and it was short, so it was an OK read.  Fevre Dream is my second RIP book and it's much better so far; who knew George R.R. Martin could write horror as well as fantasy?  Out of Africa is my classics club spin book, I'm reading it quite leisurely as it's that kind of book, and it's certainly a masterpiece.

Reviews posted:


  1. Oh, I love Blankets so much. I've never even hears of Fevre Dream, but now I'm super curious!

    1. Blankets was great, I have a feeling I read it too fast as it was so good I couldn't put it down.

  2. Ohhhh, don't say Warm Bodies isn't so great! I'm going to read it soon lol. I kind of want to read Out of Africa because I've seen the film and it basically has the most romantic thing I can think of in it and so yeah. Will be excited to read your thinks about it :)

    1. I'm in the minority, pretty much everyone else loved it. The romance was very sweet & believable but I had issues with the way they handled the zombie thing.
      Out of Africa is good but very slow, so I'm taking it slow!

  3. Blankets, hot choc and a good book or tv prog are great things!!

    I love the long bright days but I also love the nights drawing in and all it brings.

    Good luck with the new class.

    1. I enjoyed summer but I am ready for colder weather and darker nights now.

  4. Oww, I'm going back to "wary towards Warm Bodies" camp again. I'm just not sure the zombie thing is going to be my thing at all - I watched Walking Dead but didn't find it all that spectacular... (as the rest of the world seems to think it is)
    Lovely bookshelves! I spot The Eyre Affair in the middle there (among many other familiar books, thehe :))

    1. It wasn't that it was a zombie book that bothered me, I just didn't like the way the whole idea of zombies was handled. My husband loves Walking Dead, he's practically obsessed, but I've never watched it, don't think it's really my thing.

      I bought The Eyre Affair just last week :)

  5. Awww, spending to much time with the hubby must have been nice! But yay for meeting your new class and starting that soon. My niece & nephew recently met their new teachers for the first time. My nephew is excited about his teacher b/c he hears that she gives the kids a can of soda on big exam dates, lol.

    Too bad you didn't like Warm Bodies much! I enjoyed it a lot. But yayyyy for Blankets! Such a good read, even if a bit disturbing at parts...

    1. It was nice. Maybe I need to copy your nephews teacher and go in for bribes :P
      I really loved Blankets, it was so sweet in places and captured first love very well.

  6. Oh Blankets. Such a wonderful book. It has been way too long since I read it myself--I'm way overdue for a reread.

    Lots of episodes of Buffy sounds perfect. One of these days I'm going to have time for an enormous Buffy binge, and that will be lovely for me too. Maybe if we have a snow day this winter! Maybe then. Brownies and Buffy and that can be my plan.

    1. It was a very good book, I'm sure I will reread it at some point.

      And I love Buffy, I highly recommend a Buffy binge!

  7. Blankets is one of my all-time favorite graphic books. Emotions just ooze out of it. I hope you love it too. I don't know if I could read Warm Bodies. The trailer for the movie itself left me cringing heavily.

    1. Blankets was good, it really captured the emotions of first love.
      The romance of Warm Bodies was actually quite sweet, it was the zombie issue itself that I didn't like. I can't speak for the movie though...

  8. Ooh, Out of Africa. I haven't thought about that book in years. I really should give it a go. Good stuff!

    1. I'm enjoying Out of Africa so far, it's very atmospheric.

  9. I admire you so for being a teacher - I don't think I could be with kids all day long and maintain my sanity ;-)

    I've heard the Warm Bodies film is really good - I'll probably just watch that and skip the book.

  10. I'm pleased to hear the last week or so has gone well for you. I am really interested to hear your thoughts on Martin's Fevre Dream.

  11. Is that a picture of your bookshelves? Nice. I hope your new school year starts off well.

  12. Buffy is the perfect thing to watch on lazy days :) Good luck with your new class!

  13. Aww sads you didn't like Warm Bodies. But to each his own

  14. LOVE the bookshelves!
    And yeah, stupid weather also makes me want to stay inside and snuggle up ;) Watching Buffy would be kinda perfect as well...
