Sunday 10 February 2013

Sam Sunday #4

My cat, Joseph, relaxing :)

Last week I was very disappointed at the fact that our purchase of the house we wanted to buy had fallen through.  I think I mentioned that we had found somewhere else we liked and the good news is that we managed to negotiate a really good price on it.  So for practically the same price, we're now buying a three bedroom semi-detached house that is near woodland, rather than a two bedroom terraced house.  Of course, we still have all the legal work to go through and the mortgage to update, but things seem positive so far.  We have a tentative exchange of contracts date of March 1st (my birthday), we're just trying to not get too excited about it in case something goes wrong again.

But I'm not going to write too much about it as we're trying to move away from our lives being overwhelmed by house hunting and purchasing!   The only thing I will mention is that our Game of Thrones paper cut/art finally arrived (see left) and it's even more fabulous than I had hoped.  My husband isn't a big reader but he's really into A Song of Ice and Fire so it's been nice to be able to discuss books and theories together.  We're saving it for when we (finally) move.  Bonus points for anyone who can identify all of the houses!

Next week is the last school week before the half term break and I can't wait for the week off.  The last couple of weeks have been emotionally exhausting so I plan to do nothing more than sleep, cook delicious food, perhaps visit a few places in the day and watch trashy movies.  It'll also be a good chance to spend some more time with my nephew before my sister goes back to work after her maternity leave.

How was your week?  I'm glad mine was less stressful than the last!


  1. It's nice that something good has come out of your disappointment :) Buying a house really is the most stressful thing! When we bought ours three years ago, our solicitor was *hopeless* and it made everything about ten times worse. I hope everything goes much better for you this time!

    And I really must get started on A Song of Ice and Fire if you're buying house decorations off the back of it!

  2. Just wishing you all the best with the house!

  3. Keeping my fingers crossed for you ...

  4. Glad your week was better and I hope all goes well with the new house prospect - it sounds lovely. Doesn't look as though Joseph is finding life too stressful - he's lovely too!

  5. I love the art! We're fans of the Game of Thrones tv series. Do you guys watch that too?

  6. Congratulations on finding another house! I'm planning on buying a house within the next year and am not looking forward to the process, but the result will be worth it. I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

  7. There is nothing more stressful than house buying. Good luck!!

  8. Ugh.. does sound stressful! So sorry to hear it but hope things start looking up and the house purchase ends well! I can't even imagine. And you're cat is seriously the cutest! I love it.

    Enjoy the vacation because you definitely deserve every minute of it!

  9. I just knew something good would come of it all. :) I'm cautiously optimistic for you...don't want to jinx the process or anything, lol.

  10. I've never owned a house yet but I do sympathise it sounds rather stressful. Glad to hear things seem brighter now. I received A Song of Ice and Fire set as a present for Christmas. I am really looking forward to starting it :-)

  11. I'm so glad you found a better house. I'll keep all my fingers crossed for it to work out.

    Have a great (rest of the) week! Also: I love the art.

  12. Lovely cat and congrats on your new house!
