Sunday 22 July 2012

A Suitable Boy Readalong Starts Tomorrow!

Just a reminder for those of you wanting to join in that the A Suitable Boy readalong starts tomorrow, Monday 23rd July.  Here's a recap of the schedule:

Book 1 : 1.1 to 7.46 (July to August)
Book 2 : 8.1 to 13.38 (August to September)
Book 3 : 14.1 to 19.16 (September to October).
Being bad about sticking to reading rules, I've already had a sneaky read of the first four chapters, set at a wedding arranged by Lata's mother, Mrs Rupa Mehra.  If these four chapters are anything to go by, the book is going to be vibrant, well written and events are going to move at a brisk pace for the size of the book.  I was surprised at how quickly lightness of skin and caste were mentioned as themes in the novel, and at how I can already see ideological differences between the older and younger generations.

As I'm now on school holidays, I'm looking forward to spending some time settled down with this book.  If you're joining us, hope you enjoy the first month of reading!


  1. I am at chapter 5.3 now and I agree with you the beginning was a bit hard going but now it seems to fly! There are differences of ideology and faith. I like that the book is outright and bold about issues of skin colour and religion. I don't really like reading books that beat around the bush! :)

    1. Jo, you are worse than me for not sticking to the rules! I can't remember what chapter I'm on but you are further than me. I agree that I like how upfront the book is on issues like fairness of skin and caste. I think we are in for a treat of a read :)

  2. I haven't gotten my copy of the book yet! I may be a little late to join, if that OK?

    1. Not a problem, this is a relaxed readalong! :)

  3. Would it be ok if I joined to? Just reserved a copy at my local library :)
