Tuesday 28 December 2010

Hospital Books

I wasn't intending to neglect the blogging world so much over the Christmas holidays but unfortunately I was taken into hospital for three days before Christmas and I'm only slowly regaining my strength now.  I managed to pick up gastroenteritis from somewhere (probably a child in school), which in turn triggered a flare-up of a pre-existing bowel condition.  It was horrible.

Anyway, I'm feeling a lot better now, if a little weak.  I felt like I had been run over by a bus when I first came out but each day I am feeling a little better and a little stronger.

Whilst in hospital I read two quick, easy reads for distraction:

Club Dead by Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse 3)

Bill goes missing whilst on a secret assignment and Sookie must team up with a werewolf to help find him.  Like the other two, easy to read and fun.  Sookie gets more and more likeable with each book in the series.  As always, I wished there was more about the secondary characters.

The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

I first read this back when I was 15 or 16, and my sister got me a 30p copy from the hospital gift shop.  I don't read much chick-lit, but I enjoyed this book just as much on the re-read as I did the first time around.  Financial journalist Becky Bloomwood is terrible at managing her own finances and just can't resist shopping.  It took me to another world, didn't tax my brain, and passed the time.  The ending was suspiciously tidy, though - I don't think getting out of debt is that easy.


  1. Sorry to hear you've not been well.

    I like the sound of Club Dead. Not one I've seen before, so may have to look into that series! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sorry to hear you've been sick! Club Dead is an awesome book though, a great hospital book.

  3. @Michelle - I definitely recommend the Sookie Stackhouse series. I'm not into paranormal romance at all and even I love them!

  4. Best wishes to you - it can take ages to feel normal again after something like that - lots of happy thoughts your way!

    Both those books are great easy reads - nothing too taxing!

  5. Hey Sam, get well soon. Hope you are back to your old self by new year. Best wishes

  6. Hope you are feeling better. I have only just read the Shopaholic book (bit late to the party!) and I have to agree it was all a bit too tidy for me!

  7. Oh no! Hope you're feeling better...bummer!

    My girlfriend got me the Sookie Stackhouse novels for Christmas and I can't wait to dive into them! She says they are nice and easy, like eating chocolate cookie dough, a nice guilty pleasure! ;-)

  8. Oh, no! I'm glad to hear you're feeling better... hope you're back to 100% soon.

  9. Thank you for all the good wishes everyone!

    @Mel - it is going to be a long road. Walked to the corner shop today and that was enough to see me back in bed for the rest of the day :/

    @Jo - I've read all of the Shopaholics up to 'Shopaholic & Sister', and even though they are repititive and just too tidy, I can't help but read them.

    @Kristi - what a perfect description of the Sookie Stackhouse novels! I hope you enjoy them :)

  10. Hi Sam... I found your blog through your post on BookBlogs. I am now following you. Could be great if you'd follow me back. My blog is http://vanessa-morgan.blogspot.com ;-) Happy Holidays!

  11. Same for me here. I'm also following you now thanks to bookblogs. My blog http://avalon-lion.blogspot.com is only two weeks old and I'm looking for new followers, including you. If you like animals, cats, cartoons or anything funny and cute, then my cat cartoon blog might be something for you.

    ~Avalon (movie actor, cartoon character, feline celebrity, and so much more)

  12. Hope you are well on your way to a full & speedy recovery. The one & probably only good thing about illness and/or recovery is getting your rest and lots of reading done.

  13. Oh, I hope you get to feeling better. I need to read the sookie books. They seem interesting..

    Also, thanks for the comment about Toby. I really appreciate it. It means alot to me that people around this community care more then my "so called" friends where I live.

  14. Again, I hope you get well soon :)

    The Sookie Stackhouse books make *very* good hospital books, definitely ^^ As you say, they are easy reads but they are good reads.
    I've never read the other book, having never been a fan of the genre, and I must say having seen the trailer to the film they made of it, it didn't encourage me the least >_<

  15. @Teacher/Learner - You're right, I have guilt free reading time as I've been ordered to rest. No more worrying that I should be doing something more productive, for the next week or so at least.

    @AngelicNytmare - I have a cat that's almost 15 years old and I dread to think what I will be like when she passes on because she was such a large part of growing up. My thoughts are with you.

    @Noiashui - I usually hate chick lit too (apart from Bridget Jones of course!) but I loved the Shopaholic series. Pure escapism.
