Saturday, 3 August 2013

Bout of Books 8.0

I took part in the last Bout of Books read-a-thon and it was a lot of fun, so I'm signing up again.  I'll still be on my summer holidays, so I'm hoping to get a ton of reading done.  I've already been reading a lot more than usual, so upping the ante even more should mean I get through a ton of books.  Which is awesome, because at the moment I'm in an "I want to read all of the books now, why can't I read faster?!?!" kind of mood.

The read-a-thon runs from the 19th to 25th of August, sign-ups are here if anyone else is interested in joining in.


  1. That's totally the mood I'm in, too, which is why I'm jumped in on Bout of Books. This is off topic, but I LOVE the cover of Emma that you have!

  2. Hooray hooray :) I'm in too and it's my very first time!

  3. I've never done the Bout, but I think I might try this time. I don't think I have much going on that week (except for work) so it should work for me. I have lots of ARCs that I need to get to!

  4. I'm glad you're joining this one, too!
